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The non-listed real estate investment industry has seen a significant increase in the focus on ESG measures in recent years. This shift is driven by a growing awareness of real estate's impact on the environment and society, as well as legislative measures promoting sustainability and transparency. Read more
As evidence of climate change grows stronger by the day, real estate investors are becoming more aware of the potential risks of flooding to their property portfolios. A swathe of commercial tools and services have emerged to help real estate investors and managers get a handle on these risks, both in terms of the amount of damage that could occur in the future and the likely impact on asset values. Read more
Recent technological advances in the analysis of data for ESG purposes have probably gone further than for any other aspect of real estate. One reason is that it is such a new area, which means that the best solutions can be adopted from scratch, rather than re-inventing the wheel. Read more
INREV’s recently published Sustainable Investment Survey captures the views of seventy-five market participants, representing a total AUM of €2.2 trillion. The data highlights a range of perspectives that help bring clarity to the difficult question of how to define a sustainable investment. Read more
With ESG centre stage at this year’s Annual Conference, the Research and Performance Measurement Open House Breakout session zeroed in on INREV’s exciting new pilot project aimed at solving the ESG data challenge. IQ was in the room. Delegates listened with rapt attention to Iryna Pylypchuk and Connor van Leeuwen explain how INREV’s Asset Level sustainability KPI data collection project was progressing. Read more
With sustainability and climate resilience climbing ever higher on the real estate investor’s agenda, IQ magazine was delighted to have the chance to speak to the chair of INREV’s ESG Committee, Abigail Dean. Read more
In April, decision makers and top players across the non-listed real estate industry gathered in Athens to attend the INREV Annual Conference. After two years of holding our flagship event virtually, it was wonderful to see everyone in person, providing the opportunity to catch up with friends, colleagues, and peers. Read more
ESG is at the top of major issues transforming the real estate investment industry in Europe. Read more
Guy Grainger, Global head of Sustainability Services, JLL shared his thoughts recently at the INREV Annual Conference, on ESG and what’s currently happening in the market, how to turn strategy into execution, and presented a scenario of our industry five years into the future. Read more