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Goldman Sachs hires real estate investment chief

Goldman Sachs has appointed Ivo de Wit as a managing director within the firm's real estate investing team in London.  

In his new role, de Wit will lead the strategic direction and growth of the European Core+ offering, bringing significant market knowledge and a strong track record.  

De Wit was formally at CBRE Investment Management, where he led their flagship global open-ended core+ fund. He is an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School.  

Established in 1991, Real Estate at Goldman Sachs Alternatives has invested over $60 billion in capital since 2012 across the spectrum of investment strategies from core to opportunistic and credit.  

The global team invests across all sectors with deep expertise across the capital structure, in assets ranging from single properties to large portfolios, through senior mortgages, mezzanine debt and equity. 

Source: propertyeu.info on the 9th of April, 2024 