The platform for inspiration and innovation within the industry
Our members include around 120 of the largest institutional investors, as well as 40 of the 50 largest real estate fund managers. By joining us, you can expect:
- Industry-leading conferences, events and training programmes both online and on location
- A collaborative knowledge-sharing environment that improves understanding of the non-listed real estate industry
- Effective dialogue with policymakers and regulators on our members’ behalf to ensure fair treatment of non-listed real estate in any regulation
- Alignment with other leading industry bodies globally, such as ANREV, PREA, and NCREIF
- Access to a pool of industry experts to learn from and engage with
The leading independent source of market intelligence and industry insight
In order to make good investment decisions, you need good data. As a member, you’ll benefit from our:
- In-depth knowledge of the real estate investment industry – we gather information from primary sources and never use second-hand material
- Research programme – we’re known in the industry for the quality and rigour of our research, analysis, data outputs and insight
- Bespoke tools for data gathering and analysis for real world application
The pioneer of professional standards across the industry
A transparent, competitive, efficient and sustainable global industry is what we’re all striving for. At INREV, we contribute to this by:
- Setting the standard for corporate governance, sustainability, accounting and reporting
- Creating and promoting the highest possible professional standards across the industry
- Hosting training and events programmes to encourage continuous professional development
- Developing specific tools, information and resources to help our members deliver stable long-term returns and manage change effectively
Key Milestones
INREV officially launches with an event in Wiesbaden, thanks to co-founders Pieter Hendrikse and Willem de Geus, and founding Chairman Michiel Olland.
INREV launches its Vehicles Database – today it has information on around 400 vehicles.
INREV Index is officially launched at the company’s first Annual Conference.
INREV’s professional standards make progress with the launch of the Corporate Governance, Reporting, and Due Diligence Guidelines.
Integrated INREV Guidelines are launched, and the association starts a full training programme.
INREV reaches a new audience in Asia through its cooperation with ANREV.
INREV steps up its role in public affairs, while the INREV Index goes quarterly.
Training goes online with a webinar programme, and Sustainability Reporting Guidelines are developed.
INREV opens an office in Brussels, and initiates global index with ANREV and NCREIF.
The remit of non-listed products is expanded beyond funds to include joint ventures, club deals and separate accounts.
Revised INREV Guidelines are launched after 18 months of consultations, and the Global Index is released.
A Performance Measurement Module is added to INREV Guidelines, and an MoU is signed between INREV, NCREIF and PREA to create global guidelines.
INREV launches Guideline Assessments, German Vehicles Index, Investor Vehicles Analysis Tool, Global Investor Index and INREV/Henley Certificate.
SDDS updated, New course on Sustainability, Global Definitions Database unveiled, Asset Level Index gets go ahead, Brexit Focus Group and Technology and Innovation Committee formed.
IRR Index launched, Quarterly Index extends back to Q2 2000, DDQ streamlined
Asset Level Index and European ODCE Funds Index
Total Global Expense Ratio, Global IRR Index launched, Global alliance signed by INREV, ANREV, NCREIF, Young Professionals Committee formed, Tax code of Conduct added as ninth module to the INREV Guidelines
Review of INREV Guidelines begins
Review of INREV Guidelines completed and tenth module added on Sustainability
Consensus Indicator, ESG SDDS, Global ODCE Index and INREV Academy launched. Asset Level Index included in membership