Home / News / INREV News / Do you want to play a bigger role in our industry? 

Do you want to play a bigger role in our industry? 

Are you ready to play a bigger and more active role in the non-listed real estate industry? If yes, why not apply to join an INREV Committee? 
Applications can be made by all members from now until Friday 18 September when the application process will end. 

Some things to consider: 

  • INREV committees meet several times throughout the year at face to face and conference call meetings. 
  • The preferred number of members on each committee is 10
  • Application selection is based on expertise and we aim to ensure a representative mix of industry players, country and organisations. 
  • We are striving to achieve more diversity in the committee composition, and this will be taken into account when selecting candidates
  • Each corporate member can have no more than three representatives serving on all INREV committees 
  • A committee member will serve for three years but may be asked to leave the committee early due to inactivity
  • The chairman will serve an additional three-year term and a new chairman will be determined by INREV with the assistance of the committee
  • New committee members will be approved by the Management Board
  • Applications will be reviewed in the last quarter of 2020 and everyone who applied will be informed in December
  • The new committee makeup will be in place from January 2021

Apply     INREV committees