According to the latest Trends in Investor Reporting Study, aggregated compliance across the Reporting, Property Valuation, INREV NAV, Fee and Expense Metrics, Performance Measurement and Sustainability modules has reached 89%, similar to 90% in 2021.
The report shows that investment managers continue to disclose details in addition to their regular financial statements and are sharing explicit and timely information with their investors related to significant events that impact their business.
Download the latest infographic detailing some of the key highlights as well as the full Trends in Investor Reporting paper for more in-depth results.
Individual feedback will be sent to all members who participated, and the recommendations will be based on the vehicle assessment results submitted for the purposes of the 2024 INREV Trends in Investor Reporting study.
Trends in Investor Reporting
Last updated on 28 Jan 2025
Trends in Investor Reporting aims to provide insight into current market practices in investor reporting across non-listed real estate vehicles investing in Europe, and specifically the extent to which reporting complies with the requirements and recommendations of the INREV Guidelines.