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C Change

C Change is a ULI-led programme to mobilise the European real estate industry to decarbonise. It’s a movement empowering everyone to work together for a sustainable future. Connecting the brightest minds from across the value chain. Challenging barriers, sharing expertise, and championing innovation to move swiftly to accelerate solutions that will transform our industry and protect our planet.


C Change is about harnessing the collective expertise in our industry. We’re asking our members to support us on two important intervention points that require industry attention to be game-changing. 

  • A common industry methodology to assess transitional climate risks as part of property valuations to avoid stagnation of our investment markets and stranded assets. 
  • Practical ways to improve alignment between tenants and landlords to create common goals for decarbonising and retrofitting. 

INREV involvement

INREV collaborates with ULI on several research projects.


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