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Performance Measurement Analysis


Non-listed real estate is an increasingly sophisticated industry. That’s why the ability to evaluate and compare performance is a key factor in supporting investment decision-making and attracting further allocations to the industry. The INREV Performance Measurement Analysis course examines the building blocks of performance measurement, as well as how the industry puts it into practice.

The Attendance Fee is:
€750 for INREV members 
€1000 for non-members

If you are not an INREV member and wish to register, please contact INREV Academy.

Learning goals

The Performance Measurement Analysis course examines the building blocks of performance measurement as well as how the industry puts it into practice. The course covers approaches and challenges of performance measures, the investor and investment manager perspectives, as well as the path to further standardisation and improvements.

The course will take place in London, delivered by leading industry experts through presentations with plenty of time for Q&A and group discussion, as well as individual and group assignments.

The course will cover the following topics:

  • Performance standards and guidelines for the non-listed real estate industry
  • How performance measurement is used in practice by institutional investors
  • Fund-level performance and how to measure it from an investment manager perspective
  • The challenges of peer comparison in the non-listed real estate industry

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the appropriate use of data in performance measurement and reporting
  • Have a good overview of performance measurement practices within the industry
  • Gain a solid understanding of reporting standards for performance evaluation
  • Understand the availability and use of indices from investor and investment manager perspectives, including their benefits and limitations
Target Audience

This course is aimed at experienced industry professionals who want to improve their knowledge of performance measurement and its practical application, or to gain a better understanding of the appropriate use of data and reporting performance information.


Additional information

This course is open to both members and non-members and counts towards the INREV/ Henley Certificate for non-listed real estate investments

Questions about training and education?

Please don't hesitate to contact us.